Yitzy sings Mi Bon Siach at a recent Chuppah
The version sung here, selected by the newly married couple, was adapted to an original composition by Abie Rotenberg, originally entitled Yedid Nefesh, and recorded by the group Aish.
The version sung here, selected by the newly married couple, was adapted to an original composition by Abie Rotenberg, originally entitled Yedid Nefesh, and recorded by the group Aish.
Someone just sent me a link to this video. It’s a Sign Language translation of a duet I did with Mordechai Ben David in 1994. Incredible.
Almost three years after Jewish music lovers everywhere first got a taste of Benny Friedman with his debut album, Taamu, the talented singer is set to release his newest collection of musical gems, much to the delight of his loyal legions of fans worldwide. Titled Yesh Tikvah, the album promises to be yet another powerhouse from the duo…
Look for an all new album, from singer songwriter Mendy Werzberger, expected to hit stores around Rosh Chodesh Adar. Some of the best and the brightest in the Jewish music business, including Eli Lishinsky, Yitzy Waldner, Yitzy Schwartz, Yanky Katina, Shai Bachar, Nir Graff, Mona Rosenblum, Eli Laufer, Yitzy Spinner, Shloime Kaufman, Yoel Dikman, Avrumi…
Thought you knew Six13? Think again. Mike Boxer and the talented guys of the cutting-edge Jewish a cappella group are back, and just like their first three albums, their new CD is surprising everyone yet again and re-writing the book on a cappella. Zmanim, their fourth album, features not only original songs but many of…